Sunday, September 1, 2013


Pretty last minute, last week, my family decided that we were going to go to the Elkins family reunion. I 100% left it up to Charlie because he had to work night-shift Saturday and Sunday. Keep in mind that the reunion was six hours away! That drive was not going to stop my husband from showing off his baby to his whole family for the first time, though.  
After getting off at 5am, Charlie, Emmet, Pops (Charlie's [our] dad), Jill (Charlie's [our] sister), and Raylee (Charlie's [our] niece) loaded up our two cars and left the house by 6:05am. After sixish hours, we arrived to Lee County, Va. After stopping by some family's house, we headed up the road to the reunion. 
Of course everyone was captivated by Emmet's cuteness and it totally made the drive worth it! We can't wait until next year's! 
This was bright and early in the morning on the way 
(that's Pops, Jill and Raylee in the red car). 
Those mountains are so beautiful! Also, this was pre-ticket for Pops...
Happy Labor Day weekend!
This is Emmet in the car - we were amazed at how well he did!
 We are proud parents :) 
Of course we had to get pictures of the cousins!
 (Raylee holding Emmet - next to Gage who isn't technically a first cousin, but that's what we're going with!) We love you, littles! 
Here's a picture of my Elkins boys :) love them! 
Love them so much that I needed a picture with them! 
Raylee adores Jill. 
However, after a few diaper changes, Jill's response was "I'm never having kids." 
Trust me... You will, Jill :) you love those babies so much. Just admit it. 
As much as we love Emmet's cuddles, he isn't the most active yet (considering he can't even walk),
 so Ray was all of our entertainment for the day. 
Keep it up kid. You rock. 
Ps-don't you love our matching nails?! I love you, Raylee Keller! 
I love you OH so much, little girl :) 
And so does your "Uncle Cucky" :) 
Here's some family loving on our boy and our big strong baby standing up, almost on his own!!
I adore them. 
After the reunion we had some important business to attend to. 
Pops wanted to introduce Emmet to his parents. It was a precious moment.
 Emmet, you always have some veryyy special angels watching over you :) 
Always in our hearts! 
And I will end this post with a picture of Emmet's tush! 
I mean who doesn't love a picture of a cute baby tush in adorable baby jeans? 

I'm so proud to finally be an Elkins!
 Felt good to sign into the reunion today as 'Kelly Elkins' :)
 it will feel good to do it next year and 50 years after that, too. 

Happy Labor Day everyone! Stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful! I love reading your blog! You are a beautiful family and you are a beautiful addition to our family! <3 Glad you came to visit! Next time, stay longer! Love you all! -Domur
